Welcome to UnderCover Borderline.

Hello, and thanks for reading. You can call me Dee. I'm a young college woman with a lot on her plate, on top of BPD.
I don't go to therapy, or take medication. I would love to, I'm positive it would be ridiculously helpful. But I have yet to find a doctor who takes my insurance, is accepting new patients, and is willing to take a BPD client. So until my luck changes, or I'm convincing enough to get a doctor to take me, I suffer.
This blog is my life, as I perceive it.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I hurt so bad right now. I really need to blog, but I can't right now. later tonight

Friday, December 3, 2010

There deserves to be a much longer post.

But I stayed up too late playing WoW. only my 2nd night, lvl 13, and I'm slowing becoming addicted. I only really started because of EC, but it's not terrible. I kinda like it.

This week hasn't been too eventful, but I'll elaborate on that later.

Tonight: we got outta work, and he asked for a cigarette. for an excuse? or because he's gonna start smoking again? so I told him he should stick around and smoke it with me. We go to my car, and I drive him to his. We sit in my car for about 30 mins, talking. sex is mentioned, and I said I wouldn't mind some more of that. he jokes "well go out to the bar, theres plenty of willing participants"
I reply "I'm picky"
EC "obviously not"
me "why not?"
*gestures to himself*
I list the fact he's attractive *he says lie* smart *barely* funny *sometimes* sweet *im a douche* and even has a job *barely* I jab holes in all of this, and tell him I think he's adorable. Because that boy is amazing. and attractive, inside and out. no splitting white here, either.

I get out to give him a hug. I give him a couple kisses on the cheek/neck, but he wouldn't let me kiss him on those soft gorgeous lips of his. I asked why not, somewhat petulantly, and he said "I like to be in control" this is very true, and I enjoy every moment of it. so I let him leave without a kiss.

will catch up on blogs tomorrow, I promise [before wow, lol]

gnite! hope all is well with you all
